Searching for online journalism and freelance writing jobs
Online journalism can be a nice handy job to have whether as a full time job or a part time job to earn some extra cash. However, many people who want to do online journalism do not know where to look for such jobs and do not where to start from. You no longer need to worry, since this guide will explain everything in regards to searching for online journalism and freelance writing jobs.
Freelancing Marketplace
The easiest and fastest way to find freelancing and journalism writing jobs are through freelancing marketplaces. These marketplaces allow people to post jobs that they require freelancer to do. There are a variety of writing jobs available from actual journalism jobs for reputable sites to writing e-books.
However, due to a low entry level you will need to differentiate yourself from the hundreds of potential freelancers who apply to each job listing. One of the best ways to do this is to fully complete your profile. This means provide ample of samples on your personal page, write a fully-fledged description of yourself and upload a professional profile picture of yourself.
When composing a cover letter for a job, ensure that it is tailor made for the job you are applying for. Include reasons for why you feel you are a good candidate for the job and if you have experience with similar work before. There are many freelancers who copy and paste the same cover letter for each job - make sure you do not do this as you will not be successful in securing any jobs!
Outlets and Blogs
Outlets and blogs are a great place to find journalism writing jobs online. There are many outlets that recruit for writers at various times during the year. If you are unsure about whether or not an outlet is recruiting for writers, there is no harm in dropping them an email inquiring about this.
As for blogs, there are many blog owners who are looking for guest bloggers on a regular basis. If there is a particular blog you follow and like, then as we recommended above, you should drop them a email to see if they are looking for a writer.
Simple Tricks
- Assignment writing website